First of all, you learned that you have to give up the habit of pleasing others. Always saying yes to people is like not obeying your own desires and needs. You cannot say no to people, so you have to spend more time, energy, and money.
Secondly, you learned that it is better to deny clearly people. This will also make you understand that you want to think of yourself first. This is not to degrade anyone, nor to insult anyone. The reason for the denial is simply that what matters most to you is yourself.
Third. Knowing about the reasons behind your inability to refuse, it is important to find out the reasons. That way you can find out why you find it hard to deny.
Fourth, you have to know about many strategies that will help you in denial. Always speak clearly and directly. Never lie to avoid arguments or fights. Even if the person in front gets angry, he will stick to his decision. If you want to help but can’t, give him an option. Whatever you do, it is important to do it with respect. If the person in front loses his temper. You don’t have to match him, it can be difficult to stand up for yourself. It is easy to please other people. If they are happy then you are happy, aren’t you? But it is very difficult to live your whole life like this. It’s time to think about yourself first. If you think about yourself then you will not be called selfish. It is not selfish to put oneself before others. You are only giving priority to what you want. Because if you don’t take care of you then who else will?
So come on, we have to help others, but first of all it is necessary to help ourselves, so this summary is completed right here. How did you like this summary? Definitely tell me, then keep a lot of your attention first, then everyone else’s attention.
Always be happy, keep smiling and start saying no without guilt.