Why Affiliate Marketing is Difficult in India

The purpose of posting this article today is a little different. Behind this article there is a big message to my particular readers which will change the mindset that is prevailing in India. So many Indian marketers are not successful in Affiliate Marketing. India is a very big market. India holds a huge population, if there is a slight change in the mindset of the people in our India, which I am going to tell through this post. So that India Digital Marketing and Affiliate Marketing will reach its maximum level and we will be able to generate the highest Affiliate Marketing in the whole world. Why in India people are not successful in Affiliate Marketing that reason I will share in this post.

I really want to bring out the problem of a Affiliate Marketers. We are not able to do Affiliate Marketing in India it’s a simple reason, this is the mindset of the audience of India, yes absolutely right. At least I can change your mindset this is only the main purpose of writing this article and I would like to share this article with everyone who is doing Affiliate Marketing as much as possible. So that nobody will face this problem again in future and I want you also to share on your group so that they can also do the improvement.

Have you ever seen an Indian YouTuber or any Indian blogger saying openly that he has given you valuable content and now If you buy the product from my given link in the description I will be getting the commission. Especially In India have you ever heard of a Youtuber? It will be very less on YouTube, especially in India. I am not saying that there will be none but there will be very few. 

For eg. I am mentioning some here, How foreigners promote and how Indians Affiliate Marketers promote. First, you go through it and then you decide. Foreigners will always talk confidently and they will mention it very clearly. Indian Affiliate Marketer promotion style (If you want to purchase this product, then you can go to my description box below and click the link. By clicking on the link of Amazon and purchase from Amazon and checkout for more). whereas Foreigner Affiliate Marketer will say (If you want to purchase this product kindly go to my description box and click the link from which I will be getting some commission also your support helps me keep my blog up and running, as well as provide for my family. Thank you so much! It truly means a lot!)

So did you understand the difference here that the content creators are openly speaking with full confidence that the particular link given below is mine. I will generate an affiliate commission and I will be able to make this particular content even better.

Guys did you know from where he got this confidence. This means he knows that his audience is from that particular country, the one who is listening to him will definitely value the content of that particular creator and he will definitely buy the product from his link but the Indian mindset is different. What Indian people will do they will check the link but will never buy from that particular link. I am not saying that everyone does like this but some it. if I say that I have seen maximum that if someone said that this is my affiliate link or someone came to know that this is an affiliate link then that particular audience is intentionally jealously saying why should I buy the product from his link. 

I will go directly to Amazon and buy. See what is the difference? they have such a mindset that if that YouTuber or blogger has given them valuable content then definitely they will help you to promote it as much as they can because you gave them such valuable content for free, which has given them some learning, some knowledge. If that particular audience wants that product, then guise will intentionally buy it from the same link from that particular affiliate link. Why? If I take it from it? Then it will get a commission. why do you do this? 

Would you put your hand on my heart and tell me that you think this happens too? Absolutely it happens, so why would you watch Indian YouTubers or Indian marketers maximum? No one can confidently say that the link given below is there. That is my favorite link inside the description and if you buy from there then I will get a commission.

That’s all it happens. There is a link in their description, why do not many get confidence by talking from there? Indian marketers? I told you the reason, so from today I would like to start this thing from you that you should change this mindset that from today if any creator is giving you valuable content or is giving valuable knowledge, your Related to a particular product or related to a particular category, then you will value it and also promote it further, if you want to take measures from its opposite link, then you will definitely try it. If you don’t think that it will benefit you, then why should you buy it? Do not think about this at all because it is directly beneficial for you? keep in mind.

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